acne scars treatment

Acne Scars Treatment

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Acne scars are marks that are left behind after the acne itself has been recovered and healed. We often hear people saying things about acne like ‘acne is a young-age problem. It will go away with age.’ Even though it might go away with age, it can leave acne scars which can reduce your overall appearance.

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    Clinical Treatment for Acne Scars

  • Clinicaly, injectable PRP, threads, microneedling, vampire facial & some medications are best way to treat acne scars.

Acne Scars Details

acne scars types

Types of Acne Scars

    Remember, acne usually leaves behind different types of scars:
  • Ice pick scars have a wide hole at the top that gets smaller as it goes deeper. These scars usually occur on the upper cheeks or the forehead or as the skin there is usually thinner in such areas.
  • Boxcar acne scars will resemble a shape like a circle or square pressed into your face. These acne scars usually occur on the lower cheeks or jawline.
  • Rolling scars are caused by severe damage under the skin’s layer. It can make your skin look textured and uneven. These acne scars usually appear on the lower cheeks or around the jawline.
  • There are some acne scars that can cause a flat or raised scar in the areas where the acne occurred. These acne scars are called hypertrophic scars. It usually occurs when your body has produced collagen in excessive amounts. You may notice such scars on your chest, back, shoulders, or face.
  • Keloid acne scars are raised scars. They are generally darker than your skin tone. They may also be larger than the acne you had. Keloid acne scars can sometimes be irritating or painful.
  • Dark spots usually occur after the acne has cleared, particularly if you have a medium or dark skin tone. It occurs because of the overproduction of melanin by your body.
  • Perifollicular elastolysis acne scars are round, oval, or small bumps that will match the color of your skin. You can expect to see these scars on your arms, chest, back, shoulders, or face in normal circumstances.

What Causes Acne Scars?

When you have a rash on your skin, your body’s natural healing process kicks in, much like an injury or illness. The problem is that’s not always the right plan. Acne occurs when too much oil and dead skin cells clog your pores. Sometimes, it appears near the skin – which means it may heal after a short period of time with minimal scarring. On the other hand, if acne is deeply ingrained in the skin, it takes longer to heal. This is because it goes deeper, damaging more of your skin tissue and often leaving scars.
Besides that, you can also expect to see scars on your skin after acne for these reasons:

  1. Remember that acne often tends to leave behind a lasting mark. However, scarring will occur when the acne has damaged your skin deeply and severely. For example, nodules or cysts are some types of acne that can leave deep scars behind.
  2. It’s very common for people to squeeze or pop their pimples. However, what people don’t realize is that this can cause severe acne scars on the skin. Along with that, it also causes your skin to get more inflamed.
  3. Keep in mind that genes will also play a vital role in getting acne scars. If someone in your immediate family has acne scars, you will also most likely experience acne scars.
  4. Another common cause of acne scars is the body’s healing process. If your body produces excessive collagen, it might lead to raised acne scars.

Clinical Treatments to Treat Acne Scars

What if the home remedies are unable to treat your acne scars? Don’t worry, there are many skin treatments available that will treat your acne scars and provide you with clear and smooth skin, improving your overall appearance. Some of the best treatments are mentioned here.

  • Microneedling is a popular rejuvenating skin treatment. This treatment involves the use of small needles to create tiny holes in your skin. Microneedling will allow you to reduce acne scars on your skin. But that is not all this treatment does. It will allow you to boost the production of collagen in your body, improving your body's healing process. It will also allow you to improve your skin texture and tone, improving your overall appearance in little to no time. Undeniably, microneedling is a safe and effective procedure for reducing acne scars on your skin. However, you need to complete all the sessions in order to enjoy guaranteed results. This procedure generally requires three to seven sessions with a gap of about five to six weeks. Therefore, make sure you show up for all the follow-up sessions to reduce your acne scars significantly.
  • Platelet-rich plasma procedure, also known as PRP treatment is an effective and efficient way of reducing acne scars on your skin. This procedure will use your blood’s plasma which will have a high concentration of platelets to promote tissue repair and growth. This procedure will reduce acne scars and boost the production of collagen, allowing you to improve your skin texture and appearance. This treatment can also speed up your body's healing process, allowing you to recover from the treatment faster. Even though this is regarded as a clinically safe procedure, you can expect to experience mild side effects like allergic reactions. However, there is no need to worry because these side effects will only last for a couple of hours after getting the treatment.
  • Chemical peels are a popular skin treatment used for reducing acne scars, aging spots and improving skin’s texture. There are different types of chemical peels available like light, medium, and deep chemical peels. This procedure will allow you to build the outermost layer of your skin including all the dead skin cells, giving you fresher and brighter-looking skin. As a result, it will remove all the acne scars on the outermost layer of your skin, Improving your overall appearance. Besides that, chemical peels will also allow you to reduce hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and fine lines on your face, giving you a brighter and younger look.
  • Many people are unaware that Botox injections can also be used to reduce acne scars on your skin. While this cosmetic procedure is usually used for producing fine lines and wrinkles on the skin, it can be very effective for treating acne scars as well. However, keep in mind that the results of these injections will only last for four to five months. After this time period, you will have to get another session of these injections to maintain the results.

Home Remedies to Treat Acne Scars

Do you want to get rid of your acne scars naturally? You can use home remedies to deal with acne scars. However, keep in mind that it will take a while to start noticing the results of home remedies when it comes to treating acne scars. Try out these home remedies.

  • Aloe vera can come in handy as it is a beneficial plant when it comes to treating acne scars. You can easily find it and use it for various medicinal purposes. To use aloe vera on your skin, just cut a piece of the leaf and peel the outer layer. After that, apply fresh gel on your skin directly. The aloe vera gel will not only allow you to reduce the scars, but it will also moisturize your face.
  • Olive oil is another great option for treating acne scars. It includes antioxidants that can help heal the skin. Therefore, just soak a cotton ball in olive oil and apply it directly to your skin. You can take a small amount of olive oil and massage it onto your face daily for the best results.
  • Sandalwood is a popular ingredient used for treating many skin issues. To use it, mix some sandalwood powder with water to make a paste. Apply this paste onto the affected areas of your skin. You should only apply it for about 15-20 minutes, and rinse it off.
  • Tomatoes are also beneficial for reducing the appearance of acne scars. They contain Vitamin A, Carotenes, and other beneficial substances that are great for the skin. The natural properties of tomatoes can help diminish the appearance of scars.
  • Potatoes contain a lot of nutrition like they have beneficial vitamins like C and B6, as well as flavonoids and potassium. You can use potato slices on your skin to help reduce redness, itching, and inflammation. All you have to do is cut a few potato slices and gently rub them on your skin daily.
  • Honey is another great ingredient for treating skin problems. Honey is a natural moisturizer that can help heal your skin. You can massage some honey onto the affected areas of your skin every day.

Cost of Acne Scars Treatment

Acne Scars Treatment depends on the treatment module, if we talk about treatment using prp then it costs around Rs. 8000 for a single session. Therefore, if you’re interested in reducing the acne marks on your skin, you can get these treatments and reduce the acne scars along with improving the overall texture and tone of your skin, giving you a chance to improve your skin’s appearance.