hair transplant in multan

Best Hair Transplant in Multan

ICE FUE Technique By Plastic Surgeon

DOT CLINICS offers the best FUE hair transplant with world's most advanced technology done by plastic surgeons. Call Now!

    What is Hair Transplant?
  • A hair transplant is a procedure to address hair loss and baldness by taking hair from the donor area and implanting it in areas with little or no hair.

Hair Transplant Procedure

FUE Hair Transplant Steps

Here are the steps of how FUE hair transplant works.

  • During the first consultation visit, the doctor will first evaluate your suitability for hair transplant surgery. They will assess your donor hair availability, hair loss pattern, etc.
  • In the next step, the doctor will move on to selecting the right donor area. Usually, it’s located at the side or the back of the scalp.
  • After that, they will extract hair follicles. The doctor will use a small device known as a micro-punch tool to remove the follicles from the donor area carefully.
  • Once the doctor has extracted the follicles, transplantation into the recipient area will be done using advanced tools and devices. The doctor will place the follicular units in an efficient way so that your hairline looks natural.
  • Once the FUE hair transplant surgery is complete, the doctor will provide you with some aftercare tips like washing the scalp gently or avoiding high-energetic activities. Make sure you follow these tips to reduce your recovering time.
hair transplant steps

hair transplant cost

Cost of Hair Transplant

The cost of hair transplant surgery depends on the number of grafts that will be extracted and implanted. Here’s the average cost for a required number of grafts:

  • 1000 Grafts: The price for 1000 grafts is fixed & is starts from Rs. 65,000
  • 2000 Grafts: The price per graft will be RS. 35, and the total price will be Rs. 70,000
  • 3000 Grafts: The price per graft will be RS. 33, and the total price will be RS. 99,000
  • 4000 Grafts: The price per graft will be RS. 30, and the total price will be RS. 120,000
  • 5000 Grafts: The price per graft will be RS. 30, and the total price will be RS. 150,000

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Hair Transplant Types:

There are many types of hair transplant surgeries available. Here is the list below with explanation:

  • FUE, known as follicular unit extraction, is the most popular hair transplant procedure amongst people who want to restore their hair. The surgical procedure extracts hair from the donor area, usually the side or back of the head and transplants them into the areas of scalp where there is less or no hair. FUE hair transplant involves the use of a punch machine to extract hair follicles which reduces scarring and speeds up the recovery time. This hair transplant technique doesn’t include sutures or staples, making it less painful than other hair transplant methods.
  • Follicular unit transplantation also known as FUT is an effective hair transplant method. It removes a strip of the skin from the donor area, usually the back or side of head, and extracts single follicular units from the strip. This technique is suitable for people who want to hide their receding hairline. FUT hair transplant method is also ideal for people who have excessive hair thinning or hair loss as it can implant a greater number of grafts in every session. It can also provide you with more natural-looking and denser hair growth in the treated area, allowing you to improve your physical appearance and look younger.
  • Sapphire FUE hair transplant is a great option. This hair transplant technique uses special sapphire blades to implant hair into the required areas of the scalp. Sapphire FUE hair transplant is popular for its improved accuracy and precision. It uses sharp blades, making the incisions more precise. Even though sapphire FUE hair transplant surgery is effective, it also includes some side effects like redness and swelling. However, these side effects are temporary and will only last a couple of days after the procedure.
  • FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) is a old hair transplant method, also referred to as the strip method. This technique removes a strip of the scalp from the back or side of the head, known as the donor area, and separates it into single follicular units to transplant them into areas with less or no hair growth. Just like FUT, FUSS can also extract and implant a greater number of grafts per session, making it suitable for people with extensive hair thinning or hair loss. However, the FUSS hair transplant method can leave a slight scar on the donor area. Additionally, the recovery time for FUSS is longer than that for FUE because it creates a bigger incision in the donor area.
  • Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is an effective and efficient hair transplant method that is similar to FUE but is more advanced and improves the efficiency and precision of the procedure. It uses a specialized tool that implants hair follicles in the recipient area directly without preparing the area beforehand, resulting in a more streamlined and smoother process. The procedure is minimally invasive, reducing the risk of damaging the surrounding hair follicles. The implantation of hair follicles is also more precise and accurate, allowing you to achieve a more natural-looking head.
  • Stem Cells Hair Transplant is a new technique for hair transplant. This method takes stem cells from your body, processes them, and isolates and concentrates the stem cell component. Stem Cells Hair Transplant can promote hair growth by improving the body’s natural processes. However, this hair transplant method can include mild side effects like swelling and redness. These side effects will only last a couple of days after the surgery.

Beard Hair Transplant

Hair transplant surgery for a beard is known as beard transplantation. The surgical procedure enhances facial hair density in individuals who have patchy beard growth. It includes taking hair follicles from the donor area, side or back of the head, and transplanting them into the beard area. In this transplant, the doctor can also extract from the chest or back instead of the back of the head. Beard transplant is performed using techniques similar to those used in hair transplant treatments like FUE and FUT. Even though beard transplantation is safe and effective, it includes minimal side effects like swelling and redness, which will only last a couple of days.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant

Eyebrow transplantation allows you to improve your eyebrow’s appearance. It transplants hair follicles into areas with little eyebrow hair. The procedure is ideally for people who have over-plucked their eyebrows or don’t have much hair on their eyebrows naturally. In eyebrow transplantation, the doctor will extract hair from the donor area and implant it into the eyebrow region to achieve desired results.

male hair transplant

Male Hair Transplant

Men who are experiencing male pattern baldness can get hair transplants to address their hair loss and hair thinning concerns. In this procedure, the hair follicles will be extracted from the donor area and transplanted into areas of the scalp where there is little or no hair. Suitable men for hair transplants can be those who want to restore their hair density, have stable hair loss, have male pattern baldness, and have enough donor hair. In short, a male hair transplant is a perfect solution for men who want to get natural-looking hair and improve their overall appearance.

Female Hair Transplant

If you’re a female who is experiencing female pattern hair loss, think about getting a hair transplant to address your hair thinning and hair balding problems. In this procedure, the hair follicles will be extracted from the donor area and transplanted into areas of the scalp where there is little or no hair. Females who have a desire to get natural-looking hair, have female pattern hair loss or thinning, have sufficient donor area, and are in overall good health are suitable candidates for female hair transplants.

female hair transplant

Who is the Right Candidate for Hair Transplant?

  • People must have sufficient hair on the side or back of their head in order to enjoy guaranteed results from hair transplant surgery.
  • People who have good general health and don’t have any medical conditions can get hair transplant surgery.
  • The patient should ideally be in their late 20s or more to get effective results from hair transplant surgery.

Why Should You Choose Us?

Are you finally getting hair transplant surgery, always look for an experienced, professional, and reliable clinic for Hair Transplant Surgery to get guaranteed results. DOT clinics has a team of highly professional, experienced and skilled doctors and surgeons who specialize in hair transplant. They use advanced and modern technological tools and techniques, allowing you to achieve your desired hair goals.