hair prp treatment

Hair PRP Treatment

Benefits, Side effects, How it Works

Hair PRP Treatment stands for hair platelet-rich plasma treatment. It is a non-surgical treatment that leverages platelets to restore hair on your head effectively and efficiently. The procedure will promote faster hair growth and better hair thickness.

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    Hair PRP Treatment For Male & Female

  • Hair PRP treatment is a suitable treatment for men and women who are experiencing hair loss problems. This treatment is an effective and quick procedure that will only take a few hours of your time to complete. It includes little to no downtime, allowing you to get back to your normal routine right after the treatment.

Hair PRP Details

hair prp treatment benefits

Hair PRP Treatment Benefits

    Hair PRP treatment has become very popular amongst individuals as it offers countless benefits and advantages to people suffering from hair thinning or hair loss.
  • Hair growth stimulation: PRP is rich in growth factors and bioactive proteins, which can activate hair follicles, prompting the growth of new hair and enhancing the thickness and density of existing hair strands.

  • Reduction in hair loss: By stimulating hair follicle regeneration and extending the growth phase of the hair cycle, PRP treatment can help minimize hair shedding and slow down further hair loss.

  • Enhancement of hair quality: PRP treatment can bolster overall hair quality by fortifying hair follicles, increasing the diameter of hair shafts, and improving hair texture and flexibility.

  • Non-surgical: This procedure is a non-surgical hair restoration treatment. This means that the treatment doesn’t involve creating any incisions or cuts. It only uses fine needles to inject PRP into some areas of the scalp.
  • Flexible and convenient: PRP treatment involves little to no downtime. The procedure will only take a couple of hours of your time. It also includes quick recovery. This means that you will be able to get back to your daily activities right after the treatment.
  • No age restrictions: Unlike other hair restoration methods, hair PRP treatment doesn’t have any age restrictions. Therefore, whether you’re in your 20s or late 40s, you can promote your hair growth by getting this treatment.
  • No scarring: Many hair loss treatments involve incisions and cuts. As a result, they leave scars on your scalp. However, that’s not the case when it comes to hair PRP treatment. This procedure is minimally invasive and doesn’t leave behind any scars.

Hair PRP Side Effects

Undeniably, hair PRP treatment is an absolutely safe treatment. However, some patients can experience mild side effects. They can experience irritation, redness, or swelling in the treated areas. However, these side effects will subside after a few hours of the surgery. If they don’t, it’s vital to talk to your doctor immediately.

hair prp side effects

What to Expect Before Hair PRP Treatment?

  • There are some dos and don’ts you should take into account before hair PRP treatment is carried out. It will allow you to enjoy effective and guaranteed results.
  • Before the treatment, remember to thoroughly clean your scalp with shampoo and conditioner. It will allow you to remove excess dirt and bacteria.
  • Maintain a balanced lifestyle by eating a healthy diet for a couple of weeks before the treatment. This will speed up the healing process and return to your normal routine faster.
  • Avoid using hair products or stylish your hair for a couple of days before hair PRP treatment. It can interfere with the results of the treatment and slow down the healing process.
  • It is recommended to avoid consuming too much caffeine, smoking, or drinking alcohol a few days before the procedure. It can reduce your platelet count, making you an unsuitable candidate for the treatment.

How Does Hair PRP Treatment Work?

The journey will start with a consultation meeting with a trustworthy and skilled doctor. This meeting will allow your doctor to decide whether you’re a good fit for the treatment. They will evaluate your medical history and assess the condition of your scalp. Once the doctor has considered you as a suitable candidate for the treatment, they will take a sample of your blood from your arm. After that, the doctor will send your blood for processing in a special centrifuge machine. It will separate all the different substances in the blood like platelets and other cells. This way, the remaining plasma will contain more platelets than what is present in the blood normally. The doctor will inject PRP into the desired areas of the scalp, promoting faster hair growth and enhancing hair density.

What to Expect After Hair PRP Treatment?

Once the hair PRP treatment has been successfully completed, you will experience some pain and discomfort. You can expect to experience mild allergic reactions like redness, irritation, and swelling around the treated areas as well. However, it will only last a couple of hours after the procedure. Once these allergic reactions have subsided, you can get back to your normal day-to-day activities. However, avoid engaging in vigorous activities like intense workouts for a couple of days after the treatment. Alongside that, you can expect to experience temporary shedding of hair after the treatment. But the shedding will soon stop, and you will be able to see evident results like improvements in your hair growth and texture.

Cost of Hair PRP Treatment

Hair PRP Treatment cost depends on the total number of sessions required & it costs around Rs. 8000 for a single session.